Thursday, February 26, 2015

$$ Money $$

Hello everyone,
Last week flew by me. I for some strange reason thought I already posted what we did last week, but I forgot! So here is the update for last week and this week! My apologies....

Last week we celebrated Honest Ab's Birthday! We found out he was a simple man who not only was a tall farming man, but he also EDUCATED himself! He took hold of his own education, knew he could do it, became a Lawyer, then eventually became our 16th President. His roll was heavy in his time. The Civil War could have broke America in Half, or worse crumbled us as any NATION! It is sad that he was not able to carry out more actions during his short life span. I wonder what more he could have done, but with any note, he did do great things while in the office. Here is the Gettysburg Address in case you want to listen to it again.

Did you all enjoy his simple "man" meal? Who doesn't like Bacon, corn cakes and some honey! Apples topped off our celebration. What a great day to celebrate him.


Today, we talked about MONEY! The green stuff that "makes our world go round". Currency of the United States has changed and continues to change. From paper notes to our current dollars and cents! We got to see the similarities and differences of each paper bill. We discussed the words listed, the numbers for each and then the photos. We ended our over all discussion with the topic of Nation Debt. Finding out that we have officially hit over 18 TRILLION dollars as a Nation! It is now more than ever we need to focus on living below our means and allowing this to carry on as our legacy. This debt of our nation, IS and WILL be put on not only your generation but also your children and children's children. Something has to change. I know each one of you will be a great start to that.

Please do not forget to look up how much money our President's make annually while in the Oval Office, but also when they "retire". Is this something you think should be changed? What could our President do to help show his Nation that he too cares about getting America out of Debt? Or Do you believe he deserves more? His job is not stop while in the office (or so we hope) and his responsibility is large, should his wallet/bank account not reflect the same?

This next week we are going to discuss those Presidents who have not only Lead our country as The Commander in Chief but also those who SERVED their nation in Uniform. My question to you all will be Do you believe it is necessary for the President of the United States, who is the Commander in Chief to all our Military Services, to have served in any branch of the Military?

Thank you all for being great Leaders... :)

And the song is starting to sound GREAT! :)

See you Thursday.
Teacher Amber

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